Meet Dr Raj Khan, Specialist Oral Surgeon BDS (USyd)

Dr Raj KhanDr Raj Khan graduated from the University of Sydney in 1989 with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery. Following many years of general dental practice, he has dedicated his practice to oral surgery since 2007.

Raj has completed postgraduate studies at the University of Sydney related to oral surgery, including a Graduate Diploma in Surgical Dentistry and research studies in cone beam computed tomography, leading to a Master of Philosophy (Oral Surgery). Raj followed this with a second research study and coursework, leading to an award of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry in Oral Surgery and the title of specialist oral surgeon.

Professional Affiliations and Academic Contributions

Raj is a member of several associations, including the British Association of Oral Surgeons, the Australian and New Zealand Association of Oral Surgeons, and the Australian Dental Association, through which he attends lectures and continues his professional development.

He is currently a lecturer in oral surgery and an academic member of the School of Dentistry, which is part of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Science at the University of Sydney. Raj has been associated with the University of Sydney for more than twenty-one years, having held various roles involving training undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Raj has also taught at the Westmead Hospital and Nepean Hospital campuses in the past. Currently, he mentors and provides clinical supervision to the oral surgery residents and registrars at the Campbelltown Hospital campus. Raj has also been a past lecturer at the School of Dentistry, Charles Sturt University, Orange.

Moreover, he is a visiting dental officer in oral surgery at a number of private hospitals, including:

  • Campbelltown Private
  • Norwest Private
  • Westmead Private
  • Mayo Private
  • Ramsay Surgical Centre Orange
  • Dudley Private
He performs various oral surgery procedures under general anaesthesia. Raj consults in rooms at Tuncurry, Taree, Bella Vista, and Orange and also performs several oral surgery procedures under local anaesthesia in these rooms.

Areas of Special Interest

Raj is passionate about helping to restore patients’ smiles and is available to provide his professional services in all areas of oral surgery. These are mainly focusing on impacted teeth, difficult extractions, medically compromised patients, bone grafting, oral pathology, jaw surgery, pre-prothetic surgery and pre-orthodontic surgery

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Dr Raj Khan | (02) 5806 0848